新西兰股市周三早盘下跌12点,跌幅0.1%,至12945点,在工业服务、耐用消费品和医疗保健下跌的情况下,延续了第四个交易日的下跌势头。交易员们仍然感到紧张,因为他们预计主要央行,特别是美联储和欧洲央行,将在未来几天做出利率决定。投资者还警惕地等待着这个岛国12月的进出口数据,以及1月的商业信心数据。周二,由于中国人工智能初创公司DeepSeek的突然崛起导致前一天的暴跌,科技股反弹,华尔街的积极领先缓解了损失。早期的输家包括Sky Network TV(-3.1%)、Seeka有限公司(-1.8%)、A2 Milk Co.(-1.4%)和Ryman Healthcare有限公司(-14%)。
New Zealand's equities fell 12 points or 0.1% to 12,945 in the morning session on Wednesday, continuing its downward momentum for the fourth session amid declines in industrial services, consumer durables, and healthcare. Traders remained on edge as they anticipated upcoming interest rate decisions from major central banks, notably the US Fed and the ECB, in the following days. Investors also vigilantly awaited December export and import data from the island nation, along with January business confidence readings. Losses were mitigated by a positive lead from Wall Street on Tuesday, spurred by a tech rebound following a previous day's rout caused by the sudden rise of the Chinese AI startup, DeepSeek. Early losers included Sky Network TV (-3.1%), Seeka Ltd. (-1.8%), A2 Milk Co. (-1.4%), and Ryman Healthcare Ltd. (-1.4%).