周一早盘,富时MIB指数跌至36080左右,扭转了前一交易日的涨幅,这与全球科技行业因对美国在人工智能领域的主导地位的担忧而下跌相一致。交易员还继续关注特朗普总统的政策,同时为本周晚些时候欧洲央行和美联储的利率决定做准备。在国内,意大利将公布一系列关键经济数据,包括第四季度GDP数据、12月PPI数据以及1月商业和消费者信心数据。在股票中,与科技相关的普睿司曼领跌,跌幅超过8%,而意法半导体下跌1.7%。其他主要股票也出现下跌,包括法拉利(-1.9%)、Leonardo SpA(-19%)和Moncler(-1%)。
The FTSE MIB fell to around 36,080 in early trading on Monday, reversing gains from the previous session, in line with a global decline in the tech sector amid concerns over the US's dominance in AI. Traders also continued to monitor President Trump's policies, while bracing for the ECB and Fed's interest rate decisions later in the week. Domestically, Italy is slated to release a raft of key economic data, including advanced GDP figures for Q4, December PPI figures, and business and consumer confidence data for January. Among stocks, tech-related Prysmian led losses, shedding over 8%, while STMicroelectronics declined 1.7%. Other key stocks also posted losses, including Ferrari (-1.9%), Leonardo SpA (-1.9%), and Moncler (-1%).