明显错误是指因我们或任何第三方考虑当时适用市场或基础工具 的市况和报价时严重和明显不当所致的错误、遗漏或错误引用( 包括我们的交易商作出的任何错误引用)。它可能包括但不限于 错误的价格、日期、时间、市场或货币对、融资计算、回扣、佣 金或者任何错误或任何不明信息、来源、评论员、官方正式结果 或公告。
14.2 If a Trade is based on a Manifest Error (regardless of whether you or we gain from the error) and/or closed on the basis of Manifest Error we may act reasonably and in good faith to: 若交易是基于明显错误而进行的(无论您或我们是否因该错误而 获利)和/或基于明显错误而平仓的,我们可能会合理 而真诚地 采取行动:
14.2.1 void the Trade as if it had never taken place; 使交易无效,犹如它从未发生一样;
14.2.2 close the Trade or any Open Position resulting from it; or 结束交易或对由此产生的任何未平仓头寸进行 平仓;或
14.2.3 amend the Trade, or place a new Trade, as the case may be, so that (in either case) its terms are the same as the Trade which would have been placed and/or continued if there had been no Manifest Error. 修订交易或进行新的交易(视情况而定),( 不论哪种情况)使其条款等同于无明显错误的 情况下进行和/或继续进行的交易的条款。
14.3 We will exercise the rights in clause 14.2 as soon as reasonably practicable after we become aware of the Manifest Error. To the extent practicable we will give you prior notice of any action we take under this clause but if this is not practicable we will give you notice as soon as practicable afterwards. If you consider that a Trade is based on a Manifest Error, then you must notify us immediately. We will consider in good faith whether it is appropriate to take any action under this clause 14 taking into account all the information relating to the situation, including market conditions and your level of expertise. 我们将在意识到明显错误后合理可行情况下尽快行使第14.2条中 的权利。在可行情况下,我们会事先向您通知我们根据本条采取 的任何行动,但若不可行,我们会在此后可行情况下尽快通知您 。若您认为交易是基于明显错误而进行的,则必须立即通知我们 。我们将在考虑市况和您的专业水平等有关情况的所有信息后真 诚地考虑是否适合根据第14条采取任何行动。 14.4 In the absence of our fraud, wilful deceit or negligence, we will not be liable for any loss, costs, claims or demand for expenses resulting from a Manifest Error. 在我们并无欺诈、故意误导或疏忽的情况下,我们将不承担因明 显错误而引起的任何损失、费用、索赔或开支要求。