//| #MarketPrice.mq4 |
//| ServerUang |
//| http://www.indofx-trader.net/ |
//| BS_#MarketPrice.mq4 |
//| *********** edited by masemus |
#property copyright "ServerUang"
#property link "http://www.indofx-trader.net/"
#property indicator_chart_window
extern string Indicator_Name = "BS_#MarketPrice";
extern bool Right_Top = true;
extern int Shift_Y = 0;
extern int Shift_X = 0;
// Untuk menentukan Warna Harga sesuai arah Trend
extern string Price_Variable = "Setting for Price Color" ; // change
extern color Price_color_Up = Blue;
extern color Price_color_Dn = Red;
extern int Time_Frame=15;
extern int MA_Fast_Period = 1;
extern int MA_Fast_Method = 0;
extern int MA_Fast_Apply_To = 0;
extern int MA_Fast_Shift = 0;
extern int MA_Slow_Period = 4;
extern int MA_Slow_Method = 0;
extern int MA_Slow_Apply_To = 0;
extern int MA_Slow_Shift = 0;
extern string Value_Color ="Setting for Value Color";
extern color Highest_Color = White;
extern color Distance_from_Highest_Color = Gainsboro;
extern color Lowest_Color = Yellow;
extern color Distance_from_Lowest_Color = Gold;
extern color Hi_to_Lo_Color = White;
extern color Daily_Av_Up_Color = Lime;
extern color Daily_Av_Dn_Color = Orange;
extern color Time_n_Spread_Color = Aqua;
extern color PipsToOpen_Up_Color = LightSkyBlue;
extern color PipsToOpen_Dn_Color = Salmon;
extern string Xtra_Information = "Setting for Extra information";
extern bool Show_Xtra_Info = true;
extern color Label_color = Silver;
extern color Text_Xtreme_Up_Color = White;
extern color Text_Up_Color = LightBlue;
extern color Text_Dn_Color = Orange;
extern color Text_Xtreme_Dn_Color = Yellow;
// Untuk menentukan arah Trend
extern string Trend_Variable = "Variable TRend Direction" ; // change
extern int xMA_Fast_Period = 1;
extern int xMA_Fast_Method = 0;
extern int xMA_Fast_Apply_To = 0;
extern int xMA_Fast_Shift = 0;
extern int xMA_Slow_Period = 20;
extern int xMA_Slow_Method = 0;
extern int xMA_Slow_Apply_To = 0;
extern int xMA_Slow_Shift = 0;
extern color Trend_Up_Color = Blue;
extern color Trend_Dn_Color = Red;
string Label_Teks="", Huruf="", Teks="", nomor="";
double Nilai, x, y, d_A, d_B, TF, Range, bbP, bbMid, bbM, nilaiWarnaCandle;
color WarnaHarga, WarnaTrend, WarnaCandle;
int Ukuran, n, Kolom;
// --- variabel Daili_Av --------------------------------------------
int R1, R5, R10, R20, RAvg, i;
string Teks_ReRata = "", Teks_Rerata_Kemarin ="", Nomor="";
color Warna_ReRata;
// --- Variabel Time for next candle
string Teks_Menit, Teks_Detik;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
//Menampilkan Harga
Nilai=iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0); Teks=DoubleToStr(Nilai,Digits);
Huruf="Arial"; Ukuran=18; x=5+Shift_X; y=5+Shift_Y;
// WarnaHarga=WarnaLampu pada trend TF 5 menit
d_B = iMA(Symbol(),Time_Frame,MA_Fast_Period,MA_Fast_Shift,MA_Fast_Method,MA_Fast_Apply_To,0);
d_A = iMA(Symbol(),Time_Frame,MA_Slow_Period,MA_Slow_Shift,MA_Slow_Method,MA_Slow_Apply_To,0);
WarnaHarga=CheckWarna(d_B, d_A, Price_color_Up, Price_color_Dn);
Tulis("MP01", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, WarnaHarga);
Huruf="Tahoma Bold"; Ukuran=10;
d_A=iHigh(NULL,1440,0); Teks=DoubleToStr(d_A, Digits);
d_B=iLow(NULL,1440,0); Teks=DoubleToStr(d_B, Digits);
//--- Informasi Hi to Lo ---
Teks=DoubleToStr((d_A - d_B)/Point,0);
x=40+Shift_X; y=5+Shift_Y;
Tulis("MP06", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, Hi_to_Lo_Color);
Tulis("MP22", Right_Top, x-11, y+0, " Curr: ", 7, Huruf, Label_color);
//--- Informasi Daily Av ---
R1=0; R5=0; R10=0; R20=0; RAvg=0; i=0;
R1 = (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
R5 = R5 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R10 = R10 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R20 = R20 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R5 = R5/5;
R10 = R10/10;
R20 = R20/20;
RAvg = (R1+R5+R10+R20)/4;
Teks_ReRata = (DoubleToStr(RAvg,Digits-4));
Teks_Rerata_Kemarin = (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
if (Teks_ReRata > Teks_Rerata_Kemarin) {Warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Up_Color;}
else {Warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Dn_Color;}
x=40+Shift_X; y=45+Shift_Y;
Tulis("MP07", Right_Top, x, y, Teks_ReRata, Ukuran, Huruf, Warna_ReRata);
Tulis("MP23", Right_Top, x-11, y+0, " D.Av: ", 7, Huruf, Label_color);
//Time for Next Candle
d_B = (Time[4]-Time[5])-MathMod(CurTime(),Time[4]-Time[5]);
d_A = d_B/60;
d_B = (d_A-MathFloor(d_A))*60;
d_A = MathFloor(d_A);
Teks_Menit = DoubleToStr(d_A,0);
Teks_Detik = DoubleToStr(d_B,0);
x=185+Shift_X; y=5+Shift_Y;
Tulis("MP08", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, Time_n_Spread_Color);
Tulis("MP24", Right_Top, x-11, y+0, " Time : ", 7, Huruf, Label_color);
// --- Spread
d_A = (Ask - Bid)/Point;
Teks = (DoubleToStr(d_A,Digits-4));
x=68+Shift_X; y=45+Shift_Y;
Tulis("MP09", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, Time_n_Spread_Color);
Tulis("MP25", Right_Top, x-11, y+0, " Sprd: ", 7, Huruf, Label_color);
//--- Informasi from Pips to Open ---
d_A = iOpen(NULL,1440,0);
d_B = iClose(NULL,1440,0);
WarnaHarga=CheckWarna(d_B, d_A, PipsToOpen_Up_Color, PipsToOpen_Dn_Color);
x=68+Shift_X; y=5+Shift_Y;
Tulis("MP10", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, WarnaHarga);
Tulis("MP26", Right_Top, x-11, y+0, " To Op: ", 7, Huruf, Label_color);
//--- Show_Xtra_Info ---
if (Show_Xtra_Info)
{//--- Info TRend ---
Huruf="Trebucet"; Ukuran=7;
if (Right_Top) {Teks="BS TR";}
else {Teks="TR BS";}
x=156+Shift_X; y=3+Shift_Y+4;
Tulis("MP11", Right_Top, x, y, Teks, Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP12", Right_Top, x-66, y+32, " 240 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP13", Right_Top, x-55, y+32, " 60 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP14", Right_Top, x-44, y+32, " 30 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP15", Right_Top, x-33, y+32, " 15 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP16", Right_Top, x-22, y+32, " 5 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
Tulis("MP17", Right_Top, x-11, y+32, " 1 ", Ukuran, Huruf, Label_color);
while (n<=6)
switch (n)
case 1: TF = 1; Range=2; break;
case 2: TF = 5; Range=(Ask - Bid)/Point; break;
case 3: TF = 15; Range=(Ask - Bid)/Point; break;
case 4: TF = 30; Range=(Ask - Bid)/Point; break;
case 5: TF = 60; Range=(Ask - Bid)/Point; break;
case 6: TF = 240; Range=(Ask - Bid)/Point; break;
//case 7: TF = 1440; break;
nomor=DoubleToStr(n,0); x=125+Shift_X; y=23+Shift_Y+5; Kolom=11;
Huruf="Arial Bold"; Ukuran=40;
d_B = iMA(Symbol(),TF, xMA_Fast_Period, xMA_Fast_Shift, xMA_Fast_Method, xMA_Fast_Apply_To,0);
d_A = iMA(Symbol(),TF, xMA_Slow_Period, xMA_Slow_Shift, xMA_Slow_Method, xMA_Slow_Apply_To,0);
WarnaTrend=CheckWarna(d_B, d_A, Trend_Up_Color, Trend_Dn_Color);
Tulis("MP18"+nomor, Right_Top, x-(n*Kolom), y-23, "-", Ukuran, Huruf, WarnaTrend);
d_B = iMA(Symbol(),TF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
d_A = iMA(Symbol(),TF, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
WarnaTrend=CheckWarna(d_B, d_A, Trend_Up_Color, Trend_Dn_Color);
Tulis("MP19"+nomor, Right_Top, x-(n*Kolom), y-5, "-", Ukuran, Huruf, WarnaTrend);
//Huruf="Tahoma Narrow"; Ukuran=7; x=10+Shift_X; y=88+Shift_Y+44;
//Tulis("MP20", Right_Top, x, y, "Created by ServerUang", Ukuran, Huruf, Gray);
Huruf="Tahoma Narrow"; Ukuran=7; x=10+Shift_X; y=88+Shift_Y+4;
Tulis("MP21", Right_Top, x, y, "Created by ServerUang", Ukuran, Huruf, Gray);
// Prosedur Tulis
void Tulis(string LBL, double sebelah, int pos_x, int pos_y, string teks, int ukuran_huruf, string nama_huruf, color warna=CLR_NONE)
ObjectCreate(LBL, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(LBL,teks, ukuran_huruf, nama_huruf, warna);
ObjectSet(LBL, OBJPROP_CORNER, sebelah);
// Function CheckWarna
color CheckWarna(double a, double b, color U, color D)
if (a>b) { return (U); } else { return (D); }
发表于:2015-09-14 15:02只看该作者
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发表于:2016-07-18 09:35只看该作者
发表于:2017-08-08 23:32只看该作者