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楼主发表于:2014-02-10 16:33只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
/ / | BollTrade / / + ------ + #物业版权“罗恩·汤普森” #属性链接“ http://www.ForexMT4.com/ ” / /这个EA是永远不会被单独出售 / /这个EA是从来没有被纳入了销售集合的一部分 / * 这个EA是专为欧元兑美元M15 这个EA的地方买入,卖出市场订单依赖于布林通道走多远之外 目前的价格下跌。这是一个反贸易体系,也就是它的售价当上 乐队是由BDistance点数超出,并购买了较低频段是超出。 BDistance , BPerion和偏差控制在布林带 这取决于回撤和疲惫,以赚取利润。 它只会把每栏一个行业。 如果启用( ISTEP大于0) ,系统将增加一倍,很多大小时,有一个损失。 这是为了恢复以前的损失,赚钱就本次交易的一种尝试。 而且有很多款式的增长弥补亏损的( IStyle ) 这个EA的最大的失败将到,没有你足够的资金来支持 该Martingles步骤了,所以开始你的很多尺寸较小。 LotIncreasement增长根据您的起动平衡的批量大小,冒着更多的钱 当你有更多的钱。它是建立在的基础上,起动平衡, LotResolution , 并独立ISTEP和鞅过程。 ---启动平衡--- 其计算公式为地段是AccountBalance ( ) / StartingBalance 比方说你AccountBalance ( )是目前550 $ 如果您想要交易10.0地段,把55到StartingBalance五十五分之五百五十〇 = 10 如果你想交易1.0手,把550变成StartingBalance五百五分之五百五十零= 1 如果你想交易0.5手,把1100到StartingBalance 1100分之550 = 0.5 如果你想交易0.1手,把5500到StartingBalance五千五分之五百五十零= 0.1 如果您想要交易0.01手,把55000到StartingBalance五万五千分之五百五十零= 0.01 --- LotResolution --- 这一步控制的土地面积阁下的经纪/帐户可以支持 如果设置为1 ,那么你的很多的大小在0.1步骤增加您的帐户的增长 如果设置为2 ,那么你的很多的大小,步长0.01增加为您的帐户的增长 IBFX支持2 LotResolution --- ISTEP --- ISTEP时只使用IStyle == 1 ISTEP是用户控制很大的增长弥补亏损的进展 地段为每个失去贸易乘以这个数 --- IStyle --- 让您挑选丢失恢复的你最comfortible的类型。 0 ==不丢失恢复 1基于ISTEP ==很大的增长 2 ==修改鞅 - 增长2.0000与第1步为1 3 ==斐波那契 - 增长斐波纳契数,需要2胜可收回全部损失 4 ==日后实施 --- SameBarRecovery --- 通常只有1元吧准许贸易。如果此选项设置为true ,则 别的行业将被允许在同一个酒吧,但只有当最后一个交易是一个损失。 注意! - 这不符合达玛的ATR选项运行良好 --- MinFreeMarginPct --- 这个百分比您的帐户必须是自由保证金的订单将被置于前 --- ProfitMade --- 你期望能在每次交易点数的金额 --- LossLimit --- 点你能承受失去在每次交易的金额 ---其他元素--- 交易被限制到一个每栏。这是控制在/ /棒计数 代码段。如果没有订单的新酒吧开放贸易时,才会启用。 搜索/ /取消注释,每栏多行业 也有使用SameBarRecovery但仅限于亏损的交易重写这个//+------+ //|BollTrade //+------+ #property copyright "Ron Thompson" #property link "http://www.ForexMT4.com/" // This EA is NEVER TO BE SOLD individually // This EA is NEVER TO BE INCLUDED as part of a collection that is SOLD /* This EA is designed for EURUSD M15 This EA places BUY and SELL MARKET ORDERS depending on how far outside the Bollinger Bands the current price falls. This is a counter-trade system, that is, it SELLS when the UPPER bands are exceeded by BDistance pips and BUYS when the LOWER Band is exceeded. BDistance, BPerion and Deviation control the Bollinger Bands It depends on retracement and exhaustion to make profit. It only places one trade per bar. If enabled (IStep greater than 0) the system will double lot sizes when there is a loss. This is an attempt to recover the previous loss, and make money on the current trade. And there are styles (IStyle) of lot growth for loss recovery The greatest failure of this EA will come when you don't have enough money to support the Martingles steps anymore, so start your lot sizes small. LotIncreasement grows the lot size based on your starting balance, risking more money when you have more money. It is built in, based on Starting Balance and LotResolution, and is independent of IStep and the Martingale process. ---Starting Balance--- The formula for Lots is AccountBalance() / StartingBalance Lets say your AccountBalance() is currently 550$ if you want to trade 10.0 lots, put 55 into StartingBalance 550 / 55 = 10 if you want to trade 1.0 lots, put 550 into StartingBalance 550 / 550 = 1 if you want to trade 0.5 lots, put 1100 into StartingBalance 550 / 1100 = 0.5 if you want to trade 0.1 lots, put 5500 into StartingBalance 550 / 5500 = 0.1 if you want to trade 0.01 lots, put 55000 into StartingBalance 550 / 55000 = 0.01 ---LotResolution--- This controls the Lot size of step your broker/account can support If set to 1, then your lot size is increased in 0.1 steps as your account grows If set to 2, then your lot size is increased in 0.01 steps as your account grows IBFX supports LotResolution of 2 ---IStep--- IStep is ONLY USED WHEN IStyle==1 IStep is the USER control for progression of lot growth to recover loss Lots are multiplied by this number for each losing trade ---IStyle--- Allows you to pick the type of loss recovery you're most comfortible with. 0 == NO LOSS RECOVERY 1 == lot growth based on IStep 2 == Modified Martingale - growth by 2.0000 with 1st step being 1 3 == Fibonacci - growth by Fibo numbers, requires 2 wins to recover the total loss 4 == future implementation ---SameBarRecovery--- Usually there is only 1 trade allowed per bar. If this option is set to true, then another trade will be allowed on the same bar, but only if the last trade was a loss. NOTE! - This does NOT work well with Darma's ATR option ---MinFreeMarginPct--- This percent of your account must be free for margin before an order will be placed ---ProfitMade--- The amount of pips you expect to make on EACH TRADE ---LossLimit--- The amount of pips you can afford to lose on EACH TRADE ---Other elements--- Trades are constrained to one-per-bar. This is controlled in the // bar counting section of the code. Trade is only enabled if there are no orders open at the new bar. Search for //uncomment for multiple trades per bar There is also an override for this using SameBarRecovery but only for losing trades */ // user input extern double StartingBalance = 40976; // lot size control during LotIncrease extern double LotResolution = 2; // lot increase increment 1 = 0.1 2 = 0.01 extern bool UseNewsAvoidance = true; extern int MinsBefore = 15; extern int MinsAfter = 15; extern bool IncludeMedImpact = true; extern bool IncludeLowImpact = true; extern bool SameBarRecovery = true; extern int IStyle = 1; // Which style of loss recovery extern double IStep = 2.2; // User style double, triple, or what extern double MinFreeMarginPct = 25.0; // margin available before trading extern bool UseATR = false; extern double ATR_BDistanceMult = 1.4; extern double ATR_LossLimitMult = 3.6; extern double ATR_ProfitMadeMult= 0.8; extern int ATR_Period = 4; extern double ProfitMade = 8; // how much money do you expect to make extern double LossLimit = 9; // how much loss can you tolorate extern double BDistance = 14; // plus how much extern int BPeriod = 15; // Bollinger period extern double Deviation = 1.8; // Bollinger deviation // naming, numbering, logging string TradeComment = "_bolltrade_v05b.txt"; // logfile name ( prefixed with Symbol() ) int MagicNumber = 200702022059; // allows multiple experts to trade on same account/Symbol bool KillLogging=false; // turn off all logging // Bar handling datetime bartime=0; // used to determine when a bar has moved int bartick=0; // number of times bars have moved // Trade control & statistics double Lots; // size of trades, calculated in init() double lotsi; // used for Martingale loss recovery int Slippage=2; // how many pips of slippage can you tolorate bool TradeAllowed=true; // used to manage trades int OrderBar=0; // used with SameBarRecovery int loopcount; // count of order attempts int maxloop=25; // maximum number of attempts to handle errors int L2L=10; // real-to-server difference for order masking int maxOrders; // statistic for maximum numbers or orders open at one time double maxLots; // Largest lot size ever opened // used for verbose error logging #include // Loss Recovery int lotptr=0; // array pointer for Loss Recovery int maxptr=9; // maximum Loss Recovery array element int Step[10]; // how to step the IStep pointer //EA specific double myATR; //+-------------+ //| Custom init | //|-------------+ // Called ONCE when EA is added to chart or recompiled int init() { Lots=NormalizeDouble(AccountBalance()/StartingBalance,LotResolution); lotsi=Lots; logwrite(TradeComment,"LotIncrease ACTIVE Account balance="+AccountBalance()+" Lots="+Lots+" StartingBalance="+StartingBalance); // correct LotResolution if not 1 or 2 if(LotResolution<1 || LotResolution>2) LotResolution=1; // // The Loss Recovery array element 0 should always start with a // value of 1 which represents lotsi*1 so the lot size is NOT // affected if the loss recovery option is not used during trading. // // NO LOSS RECOVERY if (IStyle==0) { logwrite(TradeComment,"Loss Recovery Style = 0 - NONE"); Step[0]=1; Step[1]=1; Step[2]=1; Step[3]=1; Step[4]=1; Step[5]=1; Step[6]=1; Step[7]=1; Step[8]=1; Step[9]=1; } // USER steps based on IStep if (IStyle==1) { logwrite(TradeComment,"Loss Recovery Style = 1 - USER"); int stylei=1; Step[0]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step0="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[1]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step1="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[2]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step2="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[3]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step3="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[4]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step4="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[5]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step5="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[6]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step6="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[7]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step7="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[8]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step8="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; Step[9]=stylei; logwrite(TradeComment,"Step9="+stylei); stylei=stylei*IStep; } // Martingale if (IStyle==2) { // slightly modified to start at 1 since the current order // plus the new order means it's doubled logwrite(TradeComment,"Loss Recovery Style = 2 - MART"); Step[0]=1; Step[1]=1; Step[2]=2; Step[3]=4; Step[4]=8; Step[5]=16; Step[6]=32; Step[7]=64; Step[8]=128; Step[9]=256; } // Fibonacci if (IStyle==3) { logwrite(TradeComment,"Loss Recovery Style = 3 - FIBO"); Step[0]=1; Step[1]=1; Step[2]=2; Step[3]=3; Step[4]=5; Step[5]=8; Step[6]=13; Step[7]=21; Step[8]=34; Step[9]=55; } logwrite(TradeComment,"Init Complete"); logwriteblank(TradeComment); logwriteblank(TradeComment); logwriteblank(TradeComment); Comment(" "); } //+----------------+ //| Custom DE-init | //+----------------+ // Called ONCE when EA is removed from chart int deinit() { // always indicate deinit statistics logwrite(TradeComment,"MAX number of orders "+maxOrders); logwrite(TradeComment,"Max Lots is "+maxLots); logwrite(TradeComment,"DE-Init Complete"); Comment(" "); } //+-----------+ //| Main | //+-----------+ // Called EACH TICK and each Bar int start() { int cnt=0; int gle=0; int ticket=0; int OrdersPerSymbol=0; // stoploss and takeprofit and close control double SL=0; double TP=0; double CurrentProfit=0; // direction control bool BUYme=false; bool SELLme=false; // bar counting if(bartime!=Time[0]) { bartime=Time[0]; bartick++; OrdersPerSymbol=0; for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) OrdersPerSymbol++; } // this allows only one trade per bar preventing // lots of trades on big, single bar news moves if(OrdersPerSymbol==0) TradeAllowed=true; if(UseATR) { myATR=iATR(Symbol(),0,ATR_Period,1)/Point; BDistance = ATR_BDistanceMult *myATR; logwrite(TradeComment,"New bar - BDistance="+BDistance+" myATR="+myATR); } } // Lot increasement based on AccountBalance and StartingBalance Lots=NormalizeDouble(AccountBalance()/StartingBalance,LotResolution); if( Lots>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT) ) Lots=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); //+-----------------------------+ //| Insert your indicator here | //| And set either BUYme or | //| SELLme true to place orders | //+-----------------------------+ double ma = iMA(Symbol(),0,BPeriod,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_OPEN,0); double stddev = iStdDev(Symbol(),0,BPeriod,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_OPEN,0); double bup = ma+(Deviation*stddev); double bdn = ma-(Deviation*stddev); if(UseATR) { myATR=iATR(Symbol(),0,ATR_Period,1)/Point; BDistance = ATR_BDistanceMult *myATR; LossLimit = ATR_LossLimitMult *myATR; ProfitMade= ATR_ProfitMadeMult*myATR; } if(Close[0]>bup+(BDistance*Point)) SELLme=true; if(Close[0]maxptr) lotptr=0; logwrite(TradeComment,"BUY LOSS BUMPS pointer lotptr="+lotptr+" Step="+Step[lotptr]); lotsi=NormalizeDouble(Lots*Step[lotptr],LotResolution); if(SameBarRecovery && OrderBar==bartick) { logwrite(TradeComment,"BUY LOSS Allowing another trade during same bar"); TradeAllowed=true; } logwriteblank(TradeComment); } } //if BUY if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) { CurrentProfit=OrderOpenPrice()-Ask; // Did we make a profit or loss if( ProfitMade>0 && (CurrentProfit/Point) >= ProfitMade ) { CloseSell("PROFIT"); lotsi=Lots; lotptr=0; logwrite(TradeComment,"SELL PROFIT RESETS pointer lotptr="+lotptr+" Step="+Step[lotptr]); logwriteblank(TradeComment); } if( LossLimit>0 && CurrentProfit<=(LossLimit*(-1)*Point) ) { CloseSell("LOSS"); lotptr++; if(lotptr>maxptr) lotptr=0; logwrite(TradeComment,"SELL LOSS BUMPS pointer lotptr="+lotptr+" Step="+Step[lotptr]); lotsi=NormalizeDouble(Lots*Step[lotptr],LotResolution); if(SameBarRecovery && OrderBar==bartick) { logwrite(TradeComment,"SELL LOSS Allowing another trade during same bar"); TradeAllowed=true; } logwriteblank(TradeComment); } } //if SELL } // if(OrderSymbol) } // for // statistic for lot growth if(lotsi>maxLots) maxLots=lotsi; } // start() void logwrite (string filename, string mydata) { int myhandle; string gregorian=TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS); Print(mydata+" "+gregorian); // don't log anything if testing or if user doesn't want it //if(IsTesting()) return(0); if(KillLogging) return(0); myhandle=FileOpen(Symbol()+"_"+filename, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE|FILE_READ, ";"); if(myhandle>0) { FileSeek(myhandle,0,SEEK_END); FileWrite(myhandle, mydata+" "+gregorian); FileClose(myhandle); } } void logwriteblank (string filename) { int myhandle; // don't log anything if testing or if user doesn't want it if(IsTesting()) return(0); if(KillLogging) return(0); myhandle=FileOpen(Symbol()+"_"+filename, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE|FILE_READ, ";"); if(myhandle>0) { FileSeek(myhandle,0,SEEK_END); FileWrite(myhandle," "); FileClose(myhandle); } } //ENTRY LONG (buy, Ask) void OpenBuy() { int gle=0; int ticket=0; double SL=0; double TP=0; int loopcount=0; while(true) { if( AccountFreeMargin()< (AccountBalance()*(MinFreeMarginPct/100)) ) { logwrite(TradeComment,"Your BUY equity is too low to trade"); break; } if(LossLimit ==0) SL=0; else SL=Ask-((LossLimit+L2L)*Point ); if(ProfitMade==0) TP=0; else TP=Ask+((ProfitMade+L2L)*Point ); ticket=PlaceOrder(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lotsi,Ask,Slippage,SL,TP,TradeComment,MagicNumber,White); gle=GetLastError(); if(gle==0) { logwrite(TradeComment,"BUY Ticket="+ticket+" Ask="+Ask+" Lots="+lotsi+" SL="+SL+" TP="+TP); TradeAllowed=false; OrderBar=bartick; break; } else { logwrite(TradeComment,"-----ERROR----- opening BUY order: Lots="+lotsi+" SL="+SL+" TP="+TP+" Bid="+Bid+" Ask="+Ask+" ticket="+ticket+" Err="+gle+" "+ErrorDescription(gle)); RefreshRates(); Sleep(500); loopcount++; if(loopcount>maxloop) break; } }//while }//BUYme //ENTRY SHORT (sell, Bid) void OpenSell() { int gle=0; int ticket=0; double SL=0; double TP=0; int loopcount=0; while(true) { if( AccountFreeMargin()< (AccountBalance()*(MinFreeMarginPct/100)) ) { logwrite(TradeComment,"Your SELL equity is too low to trade"); break; } if(LossLimit ==0) SL=0; else SL=Bid+((LossLimit+L2L)*Point ); if(ProfitMade==0) TP=0; else TP=Bid-((ProfitMade+L2L)*Point ); ticket=PlaceOrder(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lotsi,Bid,Slippage,SL,TP,TradeComment,MagicNumber,Red); gle=GetLastError(); if(gle==0) { logwrite(TradeComment,"SELL Ticket="+ticket+" Bid="+Bid+" Lots="+lotsi+" SL="+SL+" TP="+TP); TradeAllowed=false; OrderBar=bartick; break; } else { logwrite(TradeComment,"-----ERROR----- opening SELL order: Lots="+lotsi+" SL="+SL+" TP="+TP+" Bid="+Bid+" Ask="+Ask+" ticket="+ticket+" Err="+gle+" "+ErrorDescription(gle)); RefreshRates(); Sleep(500); loopcount++; if(loopcount>maxloop) break; } }//while }//SELLme int PlaceOrder(string sym, int cmd, double vol, double price, int slippage, double sl, double tp, string comment, int magic, color arrow_color) { int ticket = -1; int minsUntil; int minsSince; bool placeOrder = true; if (UseNewsAvoidance) { // Call indicator to see if we are near news time minsSince = iCustom(NULL, 0, "IndFFCal", true, IncludeMedImpact, IncludeLowImpact, true, 1, 0); minsUntil = iCustom(NULL, 0, "IndFFCal", true, IncludeMedImpact, IncludeLowImpact, true, 2, 0); if (minsSince < MinsAfter && minsUntil < MinsBefore) placeOrder = false; } if (placeOrder) ticket = OrderSend(sym, cmd, vol, price, slippage, sl, tp, comment, magic, arrow_color); return (ticket); } void CloseBuy (string myInfo) { int gle; int cnt; int OrdersPerSymbol; int loopcount=0; string bTK=" Ticket="+OrderTicket(); string bSL=" SL="+OrderStopLoss(); string bTP=" TP="+OrderTakeProfit(); string bPM; string bLL; string bER; bPM=" PM="+ProfitMade; bLL=" LL="+LossLimit; while(true) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,White); gle=GetLastError(); bER=" error="+gle+" "+ErrorDescription(gle); if(gle==0) { logwrite(TradeComment,"CLOSE BUY "+myInfo+ bTK + bSL + bTP + bPM + bLL); break; } else { logwrite(TradeComment,"-----ERROR----- CLOSE BUY "+myInfo+ bER +" Bid="+Bid+ bTK + bSL + bTP + bPM + bLL); RefreshRates(); Sleep(500); } // sometimes an order close is delayed, or a gap jumps to the L2L on the server // This keeps a server-closed order from hanging here OrdersPerSymbol=0; for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) OrdersPerSymbol++; } if(OrdersPerSymbol==0) break; loopcount++; if(loopcount>maxloop) break; }//while } void CloseSell (string myInfo) { int gle; int cnt; int OrdersPerSymbol; int loopcount=0; string sTK=" Ticket="+OrderTicket(); string sSL=" SL="+OrderStopLoss(); string sTP=" TP="+OrderTakeProfit(); string sPM; string sLL; string sER; sPM=" PM="+ProfitMade; sLL=" LL="+LossLimit; while(true) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,Red); gle=GetLastError(); sER=" error="+gle+" "+ErrorDescription(gle); if(gle==0) { logwrite(TradeComment,"CLOSE SELL "+myInfo + sTK + sSL + sTP + sPM + sLL); break; } else { logwrite(TradeComment,"-----ERROR----- CLOSE SELL "+myInfo+ sER +" Ask="+Ask+ sTK + sSL + sTP + sPM + sLL); RefreshRates(); Sleep(500); } // sometimes an order close is delayed, or a gap jumps to the LL2SL on the server // This keeps a server-closed order from hanging here OrdersPerSymbol=0; for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber) OrdersPerSymbol++; } if(OrdersPerSymbol==0) break; loopcount++; if(loopcount>maxloop) break; }//while }


发表于:2015-01-28 03:20只看该作者


发表于:2015-03-25 03:42只看该作者









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