CFTC主席Reuben Jeffery 10月16日在中国的致词
Remarks of CFTC Chairman Reuben Jeffery
JEC Plenary Session
October 16, 2005
Regulatory Cooperation and Information Sharing
Importantly, regulators must also be able to cooperate to combat fraud and market abuse. I am happy to say that in 2002, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a mutually acceptable basis for cooperation, consultation and the provision of technical assistance.
We are hopeful that in this visit to China, we can lay the groundwork for a more comprehensive MOU to facilitate investigatory assistance and effective enforcement. Further, we would like to clarify the legal authority of the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission and the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission to compel the production of critical records, including bank and trading records.