[原创]交易前须知7件事/7 Things You Must Know Before You Get Into Trading
1) The typical trader fails within the first year of trading. Many fail sooner. The commonly heard statistics suggest that 90% or more will fail at trading. These statistics should immediately tell you that in order to succeed, you must do things differently than everyone else.
2) You CAN do it. It is certainly not easy, but there are many examples of successful traders who earn a good living year after year. As in any profession, it takes hard work, commitment to practice the requisite skill sets, and true dedication.
3) There is no Holy Grail. Newer traders seek the one indicator or one system that will bring them continuous winning trades. It doesn't exist. Every trading method has losses. Understand that trading is based in probabilities not certainties. Learn to accept and live with losses as a constant part of the game.
4) There are many solid trading methods. You need to find the trading method with which you are most comfortable and stick with it, learning all of its nuances and subtleties. This takes time and a certain amount of trying different systems and methods.
5) Money management is just as - if not more - important than trading technique. Spend time learning about money management. You first job as a trader is to protect your capital. The only way to do this is to have a sound money management program attached to your trading strategies.
资金管理是一样的 - 如果不是更重要 -至少 和交易技巧重要。花时间学习有关资金管理。作为一个交易者你的第一份工作是保护你的资金。唯一的办法是根椐你的交易策略制定一个资金管理办法.
6) Trading is 90% psychological. Not only do you have to know the market, you have to know yourself and how you respond to market action. Much of trading is counterintuitive. You must do things that seem unnatural. Spend time on your mental game. Learn how to cope with the stresses and how to keep your focus on what is most important for the trade and for you as a trader, not necessarily what feels comfortable.
7) Build a trading plan. A trading plan is a requirement. You must specify your trade setups and how you will interact with the market. Many fail at trading because they don't have a sound plan that they consistently apply to the markets.7)建立一个交易计划。交易计划是必须的。您必须明确你的交易设置以及你如果与市场互动,很多人失败是因为没有一个好的计划,只会被市场牵着鼻子走
发表于:2013-06-12 00:29只看该作者