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楼主发表于:2018-01-02 06:36只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
bool 开空()
double 信号2= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
else return(false);
bool 开多()
double 信号1= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
else return(false);


楼主发表于:2018-01-02 06:37只看该作者
//+-----------------------------------------------------------+ //| MT4 CUSTOM INDICATOR 123PatternsV7.MQ4 | //| copy to [experts\\indicators] and recompile or restart MT4 | //+-----------------------------------------------------------+ //| Free software for personal non-commercial use only. | //| No guarantees are expressed or implied. | //| Feedback welcome via Forex Factory private message. | //+-----------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright ?2011 Robert Dee" #property link "www.forexfactory.com/robdee" #define INDICATOR_VERSION 20111214 // VERSION 7 new approach focused on aggressive entries #define INDICATOR_NAME "123PatternsV7 BETA" #define RELEASE_LEVEL "Public BETA" #define MT4_BUILD 409 #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 6 //#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue // BuyLine //#property indicator_color2 OrangeRed // SellLine #property indicator_color3 DodgerBlue // BullCandle #property indicator_color4 OrangeRed // BearCandle //#property indicator_color5 DodgerBlue // BlueDot //#property indicator_color6 OrangeRed // RedDot //#property indicator_width1 1 // BuyLine //#property indicator_width2 1 // SellLine #property indicator_width3 3 // BullCandle #property indicator_width4 3 // BearCandle //#property indicator_width5 1 // BlueDot //#property indicator_width6 1 // RedDot extern string Notes = "BETA TEST EURUSD M5 Setup"; extern bool ShowBears = True; extern bool ShowBulls = True; extern bool ShowStatus = True; extern bool ShowDots = False; extern bool VolFilter = False; int VolMaFast = 12; int VolMaSlow = 144; // CCIFilter is disabled, plan for removal soon bool CCIFilter = False; int CCIPeriod = 144; bool TestMode = False; // indicator buffers double BuyLine; double SellLine; double BullCandle; double BearCandle; double BlueDot; double RedDot; int signal; #define NOSIG 0 #define BUYSIG 10 #define SELLSIG 20 datetime signaltime, redrawtime, upperpeaktime, lowerpeaktime; double signalprice, upperpeak, lowerpeak, prevupperpeak, prevlowerpeak; double volmafast1, volmaslow1; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE); //SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); //SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(4,159); // BullDot (WingDings character) //SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(5,159); // BearDot (WingDings character) //SetIndexBuffer(0,BuyLine); //SetIndexBuffer(1,SellLine); SetIndexBuffer(2,BullCandle); SetIndexBuffer(3,BearCandle); //SetIndexBuffer(4,BlueDot); //SetIndexBuffer(5,RedDot); //SetIndexEmptyValue(0,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(1,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexEmptyValue(2,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexEmptyValue(3,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(4,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(5,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexLabel(0,"BuyLine"); //SetIndexLabel(1,"SellLine"); SetIndexLabel(2,"11"); SetIndexLabel(3,"22"); //SetIndexLabel(4,""); //SetIndexLabel(5,""); IndicatorShortName(INDICATOR_NAME); IndicatorDigits(Digits); if(IsTesting() == False) { Print("Copyright ?2011 Robert Dee, All Rights Reserved"); Print("Free software for personal non-commercial use only. No guarantees are expressed or implied."); Print(INDICATOR_NAME+" indicator version "+INDICATOR_VERSION+" for "+RELEASE_LEVEL+" release, compiled with MetaTrader4 Build "+MT4_BUILD); } } // end of init() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Status Message prints below OHLC upper left of chart window //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void StatusMessage() { if(IsTesting() == True) return; // do no more if(ShowStatus == False) return; // do no more double move, pullback; double multi = MathPow(10,Digits-1); double dayhigh = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); double daylow = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); double atr = iATR(NULL,PERIOD_D1,20,1); // yesterday's ATR(20) double range = dayhigh - daylow; double ratio = range / atr; double volratio = MathMax(Volume[1],Volume[0]) / volmaslow1; string msg = INDICATOR_NAME+" "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES)+" "; if(signalprice == BuyLine[0]) { msg = msg + "BUY "+ TimeToStr(signaltime,TIME_MINUTES)+" "+DoubleToStr(signalprice,Digits)+" "; move = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]-signalprice; pullback = signalprice-Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]; msg = msg + "+"+DoubleToStr(move*multi,1)+" -"+DoubleToStr(pullback*multi,1)+" "; } if(signalprice == SellLine[0]) { msg = msg + "SELL "+ TimeToStr(signaltime,TIME_MINUTES)+" "+DoubleToStr(signalprice,Digits)+" "; move = signalprice-Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]; pullback = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]-signalprice; msg = msg + "+"+DoubleToStr(move*multi,1)+" -"+DoubleToStr(pullback*multi,1)+" "; } msg = msg + "DR="+DoubleToStr(range*multi,1)+" "; msg = msg + "ADR="+DoubleToStr(atr*multi,1)+" "; msg = msg + "Ratio="+DoubleToStr(ratio,2)+" "; msg = msg + "Vol="+DoubleToStr(volratio,2)+" "; msg = msg + "Spread="+DoubleToStr((Ask-Bid)*multi,1)+" "; Comment(msg); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int shift; double range1, mid1, midlow1, midhigh1, nearlow1, nearhigh1; /////////////////// // LOAD ARRAYS if(redrawtime == Time[1]) shift = 0; // process only the current candle, nothing else else // else this is a new candle so reload everything (once only) { /*** if(CCIFilter == True) // load cci array { double ccima1, ccima6; double cci[100]; ArrayResize(cci,Bars); ArrayInitialize(cci,EMPTY_VALUE); ArraySetAsSeries(cci,True); shift = Bars-1; while(shift >= 0) {cci[shift] = iCCI(NULL,0,CCIPeriod,PRICE_CLOSE,shift); shift--;} } ***/ if(VolFilter == True) // load vol array { double vol[100]; ArrayResize(vol,Bars); ArrayInitialize(vol,EMPTY_VALUE); ArraySetAsSeries(vol,True); shift = Bars-1; while(shift >= 0) {vol[shift] = Volume[shift]; shift--;} } shift = Bars-1; // redraw the whole chart redrawtime = Time[1]; // remember this time } // end of else /////////////////// // MAIN LOOP // shift value is set in two places (above) while(shift >= 0) { /*** if(CCIFilter == True) { ccima1 = iMAOnArray(cci,0,12,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1); ccima6 = iMAOnArray(cci,0,12,0,MODE_SMA,shift+6); } ***/ if(VolFilter == True) { volmafast1 = NormalizeDouble(iMAOnArray(vol,0,VolMaFast,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1),0); volmaslow1 = NormalizeDouble(iMAOnArray(vol,0,VolMaSlow,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1),0); } if(iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,5,shift) == shift+1) {prevupperpeak = upperpeak; upperpeak = High[shift+1]; upperpeaktime = Time[shift+1]; signal = NOSIG;} if(iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,5,shift) == shift+1) {prevlowerpeak = lowerpeak; lowerpeak = Low[shift+1]; lowerpeaktime = Time[shift+1]; signal = NOSIG;} range1 = High[shift+1]-Low[shift+1]; mid1 = (High[shift+1]+Low[shift+1])/2; midlow1 = Low[shift+1]+(range1/3); midhigh1 = High[shift+1]-(range1/3); nearlow1 = Low[shift+1]+(range1/6); nearhigh1 = High[shift+1]-(range1/6); /////////////////// // SHOW DOTS if(ShowDots == True) { BlueDot[shift+1] = EMPTY_VALUE; RedDot[shift+1] = EMPTY_VALUE; RedDot[iBarShift(NULL,0,upperpeaktime)] = upperpeak+10*Point; BlueDot[iBarShift(NULL,0,lowerpeaktime)] = lowerpeak-10*Point; } /////////////////// // BEARISH SIGNAL if(ShowBears == True) if(signal != SELLSIG) if(Low[shift] < Low[shift+1]-5*Point) // current candle breaks the signal candle low //if(Low[shift+1] < Low[shift+2]-5*Point) // signal candle breaks the prev candle low if(upperpeaktime > Time[shift+8]) // allows three candles only after the peak //if(CCIFilter == False || ccima1 > -125) if(VolFilter == False || volmafast1 > volmaslow1*1.09) // THREE volume conditions, volume fastma > volume slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > volmaslow1) // signal bar volume must be greater than slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > Volume[shift+2]) // signal bar must have greater volume than previous bar if(Open[shift+1] > midlow1 && Close[shift+1] < Open[shift+1]) if(Close[shift+1] < nearlow1 || Close[shift+1] < lowerpeak) { BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; BuyLine[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; signal = SELLSIG; signalprice = SellLine[shift+1]; signaltime = Time[shift]; } /////////////////// // BULLISH SIGNAL if(ShowBulls == True) if(signal != BUYSIG) if(High[shift] > High[shift+1]+5*Point) // current candle breaks the signal candle high if(High[shift+1] > High[shift+2]+5*Point) // signal candle breaks the prev candle high if(lowerpeaktime > Time[shift+6]) // allows three candles only after the peak //if(CCIFilter == False || ccima1 < 125) if(VolFilter == False || volmafast1 > volmaslow1*1.09) // TWO volume conditions, volume fastma > volume slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > volmaslow1) // signal bar volume must be greater than slowma if(Open[shift+1] < mid1 && Close[shift+1] > Open[shift+1]) if(Close[shift+1] > nearhigh1 || Close[shift+1] > upperpeak) { BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; SellLine[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; signal = BUYSIG; signalprice = BuyLine[shift+1]; signaltime = Time[shift]; } /////////////////// // CONTINUE LINES SellLine[shift] = SellLine[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift] = BuyLine[shift+1]; ////////////////////////// // TESTMODE CODE BLOCK if(TestMode == True) { double ccival = iCCI(NULL,0,CCIPeriod,PRICE_CLOSE,shift+1); if(ccival < 0 && ccival > -125) if(lowerpeaktime < Time[shift+1]) if(lowerpeaktime > Time[shift+6]) if(Open[shift+1] < midlow1) if(Close[shift+1] > midhigh1) {BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1];} // paint candle // debug data to Experts log //if(CCIFilter == True)Print("cci "+cci[0]+" ccima1 "+ccima1); //if(VolFilter == True)Print("vol "+vol[0]+" volmafast1 "+volmafast1+" volmaslow1 "+volmaslow1); } shift--; // move ahead one candle } // end of while() StatusMessage(); // update the status display }// end of start() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { // cleanup display buffers for(int i=0; i
楼主发表于:2018-01-02 06:40只看该作者
//+-----------------------------------------------------------+ //| MT4 CUSTOM INDICATOR 123PatternsV7.MQ4 | //| copy to [experts\\indicators] and recompile or restart MT4 | //+-----------------------------------------------------------+ //| Free software for personal non-commercial use only. | //| No guarantees are expressed or implied. | //| Feedback welcome via Forex Factory private message. | //+-----------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright ?2011 Robert Dee" #property link "www.forexfactory.com/robdee" #define INDICATOR_VERSION 20111214 // VERSION 7 new approach focused on aggressive entries #define INDICATOR_NAME "123PatternsV7 BETA" #define RELEASE_LEVEL "Public BETA" #define MT4_BUILD 409 #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 6 //#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue // BuyLine //#property indicator_color2 OrangeRed // SellLine #property indicator_color3 DodgerBlue // BullCandle #property indicator_color4 OrangeRed // BearCandle //#property indicator_color5 DodgerBlue // BlueDot //#property indicator_color6 OrangeRed // RedDot //#property indicator_width1 1 // BuyLine //#property indicator_width2 1 // SellLine #property indicator_width3 3 // BullCandle #property indicator_width4 3 // BearCandle //#property indicator_width5 1 // BlueDot //#property indicator_width6 1 // RedDot extern string Notes = "BETA TEST EURUSD M5 Setup"; extern bool ShowBears = True; extern bool ShowBulls = True; extern bool ShowStatus = True; extern bool ShowDots = False; extern bool VolFilter = False; int VolMaFast = 12; int VolMaSlow = 144; // CCIFilter is disabled, plan for removal soon bool CCIFilter = False; int CCIPeriod = 144; bool TestMode = False; // indicator buffers double BuyLine; double SellLine; double BullCandle; double BearCandle; double BlueDot; double RedDot; int signal; #define NOSIG 0 #define BUYSIG 10 #define SELLSIG 20 datetime signaltime, redrawtime, upperpeaktime, lowerpeaktime; double signalprice, upperpeak, lowerpeak, prevupperpeak, prevlowerpeak; double volmafast1, volmaslow1; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE); //SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); //SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(4,159); // BullDot (WingDings character) //SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(5,159); // BearDot (WingDings character) //SetIndexBuffer(0,BuyLine); //SetIndexBuffer(1,SellLine); SetIndexBuffer(2,BullCandle); SetIndexBuffer(3,BearCandle); //SetIndexBuffer(4,BlueDot); //SetIndexBuffer(5,RedDot); //SetIndexEmptyValue(0,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(1,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexEmptyValue(2,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexEmptyValue(3,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(4,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexEmptyValue(5,EMPTY_VALUE); //SetIndexLabel(0,"BuyLine"); //SetIndexLabel(1,"SellLine"); SetIndexLabel(2,"11"); SetIndexLabel(3,"22"); //SetIndexLabel(4,""); //SetIndexLabel(5,""); IndicatorShortName(INDICATOR_NAME); IndicatorDigits(Digits); if(IsTesting() == False) { Print("Copyright ?2011 Robert Dee, All Rights Reserved"); Print("Free software for personal non-commercial use only. No guarantees are expressed or implied."); Print(INDICATOR_NAME+" indicator version "+INDICATOR_VERSION+" for "+RELEASE_LEVEL+" release, compiled with MetaTrader4 Build "+MT4_BUILD); } } // end of init() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Status Message prints below OHLC upper left of chart window //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void StatusMessage() { if(IsTesting() == True) return; // do no more if(ShowStatus == False) return; // do no more double move, pullback; double multi = MathPow(10,Digits-1); double dayhigh = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); double daylow = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); double atr = iATR(NULL,PERIOD_D1,20,1); // yesterday's ATR(20) double range = dayhigh - daylow; double ratio = range / atr; double volratio = MathMax(Volume[1],Volume[0]) / volmaslow1; string msg = INDICATOR_NAME+" "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES)+" "; if(signalprice == BuyLine[0]) { msg = msg + "BUY "+ TimeToStr(signaltime,TIME_MINUTES)+" "+DoubleToStr(signalprice,Digits)+" "; move = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]-signalprice; pullback = signalprice-Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]; msg = msg + "+"+DoubleToStr(move*multi,1)+" -"+DoubleToStr(pullback*multi,1)+" "; } if(signalprice == SellLine[0]) { msg = msg + "SELL "+ TimeToStr(signaltime,TIME_MINUTES)+" "+DoubleToStr(signalprice,Digits)+" "; move = signalprice-Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]; pullback = High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,iBarShift(NULL,0,signaltime)+1,0)]-signalprice; msg = msg + "+"+DoubleToStr(move*multi,1)+" -"+DoubleToStr(pullback*multi,1)+" "; } msg = msg + "DR="+DoubleToStr(range*multi,1)+" "; msg = msg + "ADR="+DoubleToStr(atr*multi,1)+" "; msg = msg + "Ratio="+DoubleToStr(ratio,2)+" "; msg = msg + "Vol="+DoubleToStr(volratio,2)+" "; msg = msg + "Spread="+DoubleToStr((Ask-Bid)*multi,1)+" "; Comment(msg); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int shift; double range1, mid1, midlow1, midhigh1, nearlow1, nearhigh1; /////////////////// // LOAD ARRAYS if(redrawtime == Time[1]) shift = 0; // process only the current candle, nothing else else // else this is a new candle so reload everything (once only) { /*** if(CCIFilter == True) // load cci array { double ccima1, ccima6; double cci[100]; ArrayResize(cci,Bars); ArrayInitialize(cci,EMPTY_VALUE); ArraySetAsSeries(cci,True); shift = Bars-1; while(shift >= 0) {cci[shift] = iCCI(NULL,0,CCIPeriod,PRICE_CLOSE,shift); shift--;} } ***/ if(VolFilter == True) // load vol array { double vol[100]; ArrayResize(vol,Bars); ArrayInitialize(vol,EMPTY_VALUE); ArraySetAsSeries(vol,True); shift = Bars-1; while(shift >= 0) {vol[shift] = Volume[shift]; shift--;} } shift = Bars-1; // redraw the whole chart redrawtime = Time[1]; // remember this time } // end of else /////////////////// // MAIN LOOP // shift value is set in two places (above) while(shift >= 0) { /*** if(CCIFilter == True) { ccima1 = iMAOnArray(cci,0,12,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1); ccima6 = iMAOnArray(cci,0,12,0,MODE_SMA,shift+6); } ***/ if(VolFilter == True) { volmafast1 = NormalizeDouble(iMAOnArray(vol,0,VolMaFast,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1),0); volmaslow1 = NormalizeDouble(iMAOnArray(vol,0,VolMaSlow,0,MODE_SMA,shift+1),0); } if(iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,5,shift) == shift+1) {prevupperpeak = upperpeak; upperpeak = High[shift+1]; upperpeaktime = Time[shift+1]; signal = NOSIG;} if(iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,5,shift) == shift+1) {prevlowerpeak = lowerpeak; lowerpeak = Low[shift+1]; lowerpeaktime = Time[shift+1]; signal = NOSIG;} range1 = High[shift+1]-Low[shift+1]; mid1 = (High[shift+1]+Low[shift+1])/2; midlow1 = Low[shift+1]+(range1/3); midhigh1 = High[shift+1]-(range1/3); nearlow1 = Low[shift+1]+(range1/6); nearhigh1 = High[shift+1]-(range1/6); /////////////////// // SHOW DOTS if(ShowDots == True) { BlueDot[shift+1] = EMPTY_VALUE; RedDot[shift+1] = EMPTY_VALUE; RedDot[iBarShift(NULL,0,upperpeaktime)] = upperpeak+10*Point; BlueDot[iBarShift(NULL,0,lowerpeaktime)] = lowerpeak-10*Point; } /////////////////// // BEARISH SIGNAL if(ShowBears == True) if(signal != SELLSIG) if(Low[shift] < Low[shift+1]-5*Point) // current candle breaks the signal candle low //if(Low[shift+1] < Low[shift+2]-5*Point) // signal candle breaks the prev candle low if(upperpeaktime > Time[shift+8]) // allows three candles only after the peak //if(CCIFilter == False || ccima1 > -125) if(VolFilter == False || volmafast1 > volmaslow1*1.09) // THREE volume conditions, volume fastma > volume slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > volmaslow1) // signal bar volume must be greater than slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > Volume[shift+2]) // signal bar must have greater volume than previous bar if(Open[shift+1] > midlow1 && Close[shift+1] < Open[shift+1]) if(Close[shift+1] < nearlow1 || Close[shift+1] < lowerpeak) { BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; BuyLine[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; signal = SELLSIG; signalprice = SellLine[shift+1]; signaltime = Time[shift]; } /////////////////// // BULLISH SIGNAL if(ShowBulls == True) if(signal != BUYSIG) if(High[shift] > High[shift+1]+5*Point) // current candle breaks the signal candle high if(High[shift+1] > High[shift+2]+5*Point) // signal candle breaks the prev candle high if(lowerpeaktime > Time[shift+6]) // allows three candles only after the peak //if(CCIFilter == False || ccima1 < 125) if(VolFilter == False || volmafast1 > volmaslow1*1.09) // TWO volume conditions, volume fastma > volume slowma if(VolFilter == False || Volume[shift+1] > volmaslow1) // signal bar volume must be greater than slowma if(Open[shift+1] < mid1 && Close[shift+1] > Open[shift+1]) if(Close[shift+1] > nearhigh1 || Close[shift+1] > upperpeak) { BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+1] = Close[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; SellLine[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; SellLine[shift+2] = EMPTY_VALUE; signal = BUYSIG; signalprice = BuyLine[shift+1]; signaltime = Time[shift]; } /////////////////// // CONTINUE LINES SellLine[shift] = SellLine[shift+1]; BuyLine[shift] = BuyLine[shift+1]; ////////////////////////// // TESTMODE CODE BLOCK if(TestMode == True) { double ccival = iCCI(NULL,0,CCIPeriod,PRICE_CLOSE,shift+1); if(ccival < 0 && ccival > -125) if(lowerpeaktime < Time[shift+1]) if(lowerpeaktime > Time[shift+6]) if(Open[shift+1] < midlow1) if(Close[shift+1] > midhigh1) {BearCandle[shift+1] = Open[shift+1]; BullCandle[shift+1] = Close[shift+1];} // paint candle // debug data to Experts log //if(CCIFilter == True)Print("cci "+cci[0]+" ccima1 "+ccima1); //if(VolFilter == True)Print("vol "+vol[0]+" volmafast1 "+volmafast1+" volmaslow1 "+volmaslow1); } shift--; // move ahead one candle } // end of while() StatusMessage(); // update the status display }// end of start() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { // cleanup display buffers for(int i=0; i







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